Women Abandoning Their Children for Careers

Women Abandoning

Their Children for Careers

by, Adrienne Jason

My heart really hurts for children today. Many women are abandoning their children in favor of careers. Yes, I understand that in some cases a woman has to work outside of the home. But a "have-to" is very different from a "want-to". We can live on very little if we need to in order to stay at home with our children. We can let go of things like smartphones, subscriptions to several streaming services, eating at restuarants instead of at home, going on fancy vacations. Children need their mothers. Not just part time or a few hours in the evening, but all day. They are letting extending family members (usually the grandparents!) raise their children or at least watch them while they go and work outside of the home to be "girl bosses" and "career women", and putting their children also into all day daycare and sending them off to the corrupt governmental public school system. So sad!

Some women are expecting their in-laws and daycare centers to just raise their children for them. Why is this happening?

  • Many women are decieved by feminism.
  • Many women are still spiritually lost and need to be saved by God's grace.
  • Many Women in Christendom are not being taught biblical womanhood and the doctrine of headship.
  • Women are giving in to societal pressures.
  • Many men also do not understand biblical roles of men and women and are not teaching it to their wives.
  • Many women are living in fear.

I'll address this last one. Some women take on careers even though they are married and have children because they are afraid to rely on their husband only for their income and what might happen if they are widowed or he leaves her. But, are we as believers to base our decisions on fear or on following what God's word actually teaches us to do. The Apostle Paul says to "be careful for nothing", in other words, don't live in fear. If something were to happen to my husband, I would have to then work outside of the home and I wouldn't have a "career" because I spent my life since 2016 being a full-time homemaker. So I would probably have to work somewhere like a dollar store or cleaning houses or something but oh well. We only live in this world for a limited time and then we will be with the Lord in glory! We shouldn't just be living for our flesh! For now, I can be a homemaker, live frugally and spend extra time studying my bible and teaching it online to other women as well as doing some crafts and other hobbies at home. These are good things! 

If you have to work outside of the home because your husband is ill or you are widowed this is completely different from just choosing to work outside of the home because you want a prestigious career of some kind or you just don't like being a wife and homemaker. 

Even worse is if you have a husband who is lazy and who refuses to work or if he demands that you get a job even though you could live on just one income. In that case, just keep praying that he will hopefully one day change and live more according to God's word! Men have become this way in part due to the feminist movements- men are learning to just let women take care of them or they give up on education and the workforce because they don't want to compete with women or be bossed around by women! Also, some men are just lazy and only care about living for their flesh...

We need to ask ourselves...

What is the better thing? If you are able to stay home with your children, even if it means giving up the luxuries of life and living a more simple and frugal lifestyle, then you should do that. Be a homemaker. Homeschool your children if you can. Teach them God's word. Even if they grow up and walk away from the faith you at least did your part in God's will for you as a woman. We will all stand before the LORD one day! Believers are not judged for sin but they are judged for service. 

Instead of being like the world, choose to live godly. 

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:2

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

Titus 2:4,5

Grace Living For Christian Women

© 2024 Grace Living Ministry / Adrienne Jason. 
