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What needs to be done today? | Homemaking Encouragement

Dear homemaker, what things need to be done today? Do you find yourself with time on your hands and you are not certain what else you could do? Instead of spending your extra time scrolling social media, watching streaming shows or the news, calling others to gossip, shopping or getting a part-time job outside of the home, think about the many things that could be done in the home first. Of course you don't have do all of these things in one day, just look over the list or think of other similar things that could be done and take action. 

• First, have you done your Bible study for today? If you have a lot of extra time, why not start doing more advanced Bible studies or spending more time each day simply reading the Bible. This is well-worth your time because you are building sound doctrine in your inner man (mind & heart). Have you studied books in the Bible verse by verse? Or Perhaps pick a topic to study out like "marriage and family," "creation" or "angels" in the Bible. Or begin watching a special Bible study series by a good grace preacher on YouTube and then take notes. 

• Have you finished all of your daily chores? 

• Is there any room in your house that needs a deep cleaning today?

• Are you caught up on laundry? Could any sheets, blankets or rugs be washed? Is your shower curtain clean? Is there anything that needs to be ironed, folded or hung up?

• Does anything need to be bleached, dusted or polished?

• Do you have any mold that needs to be taken care of?

• Have you dusted or cleaned your fans in awhile? 

• When was the last time that you cleaned your fridge and freezer?

• Do your windows need cleaning? What about the entryway and doors?

• Do you need to pay some bills? 

• Do you need to go grocery shopping today? 

• Could you make a large meal and then freeze some of it for leftovers?

• Could you bake some treats for your family to eat for the next few days?

• Do you need to decorate your home for the season or upcoming holiday? Or do you need to take down some holiday or seasonal decor?

• How is your physical health? Could you fit in time daily to start an at-home exercise and stretching routine? Or perhaps start going for walks each day?

• Do you have a regular beauty routine? Why not start one today or consider giving yourself a natural beauty treatment. 

• Are there any drawers, closets, cabinets or rooms that could be organized?

• Could you organize your family photos, papers, correspondences, and other such things?

• Is there anything specific that your husband would like for you to do today?

• Could you make a special dinner tonight for your family and set the table properly and use the nice dinnerware?

• Is there a new skill that you could learn for free online? Perhaps improving your cooking or baking skills, learning to sew, knit, crochet, quilt etc?

• Could you plan a family gathering with extended relatives or a nice dinner with Christian friends visiting?

• Is there another homemaker that you could visit for tea and encouragement at least once a week or every other week? You could let your children play together as well. 

• If you are on social media, is there an encouraging social media post that you could make for fellow homemakers or share some Bible verses on your social media?

• Could you send a notecard or letter to someone in the mail? Have you sent cards in the mail for the next upcoming holiday or for someone's birthday?

• Do you need to schedule any appointments for your family or for yourself (dental, medical, haircuts etc)?

• Have you updated your planners and calendars recently?

• Have you made a master grocery list? Are there items in the kitchen, bathroom or pantry that you need to buy or stock up on? 

• If you homeschool, are there any projects you could do with your children? Do you need to check assignments? Is there a book you can sit and read together? Is there a Christian friendly documentary that your family could watch? Is there anything that you or your children need to catch up on?

• If you have little children at home, try visiting the park at least once a week or spend some time outside with them in your own yard in nature regularly. Little children love to go for nature walks with their parents and to play outside with their parents and with other children. 

• If you have grandchildren, could you schedule a day with them and do something fun together at home, or take them to the park or zoo?

• Have you considered writing a Bible study and biblical womanhood blog or making your own videos on Bible study and biblical womanhood and homemaking if you are an older Christian woman?

• Do you have time weekly to mentor a younger Christian woman who might be new to the faith and/or to homemaking?

• Finally, there's nothing wrong with taking time to rest, having some downtime, or to enjoy a healthy, Christian friendly hobby. As believers we need to make the most edifying decisions. So, for example, if you want to watch TV or a movie for a bit, it's fine of course but try to choose things that are more Christian friendly. The same with choosing more edifying literature, art, music, hobbies and crafts. If you really need some rest today, consider something like making yourself some tea, eating a nice meal or a special treat and sitting and reading a good Christian friendly book for awhile or writing in a personal journal or working on a fun hobby or doing something similar. 


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