Keepers at Home | Titus 2 Study Part 5

Keepers at home

The older women are to teach the younger women to be keepers at home. This means teaching them how to keep house and also how to guard the home from false doctrines. The primary reason to be a keeper AT home, full-time instead of just a part time homemaker, is so that we are the ones raising our children and not babysitters, teachers, preschools, nannies or even having our relatives always watching our children for us. I understand that in some cases, women have to work outside of the home and that is quite different from making the choice to work outside of the home just so that you have more worldly prestige in life verses an actual need. In order to stay home as a homemaker you may need to live a more simple life, and not have the extra things. You might have to live in an apartment or condo instead of a big house, or have only one car as a family instead of two. You might have to forgo fancy vacations, eating at restaurants, buying the newest fashion trends, having all the latest gadgets or trendy home decor, start cutting your own hair instead of going to the salon, etc. You might have to shop at thrift stores and dollar stores, make-do in various ways, and only rarely update your home decor. Having more money and things does not equal happiness. We are treated by God as adult children and so we need to make the most edifying decisions based upon God's word working in our inner man. Is it better to have more things or to be the one spending most of your time with your own children?

This verse says to teach women to be keepers at home. I think that the word "at" here is very key. I have talked about this many times in previous studies. Women are to guide the house, and to be keepers at home which I believe is primarily about guarding the home from false doctrines coming in and taking the time regularly to teach our children Gods word. But being a keeper at home includes also taking care of your family by feeding them nutritious meals, keeping the house clean and organized, helping to keep the environment of the home calm, comforting and peaceful etc. This is good! These are good things! It is NOT legalistic to teach that a woman do these things. 

Pro 14:1 says,

"Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands."

Even older women can be keepers at home by taking care of their husbands and regularly spending time with grandchildren if you have them. Plus, as an older godly woman who is a full-time homemaker, you can make time to teach the younger women. If you work outside of the home, you won't have as much time for this.

Also, as we teach the younger women about specific details like how to clean their house, meal planning, cooking, baking, etc it's really just guidelines and not rules. We are not to put others under legalistic rules. I have videos about keeping a cleaning schedule and other such things but I am not telling women that they must do things exactly my way. It's just helpful suggestions or advice on how to keep house. 

