Grace Frees Us To Serve God | Romans Ch 6 Bible Study

Father God, thank you that we can now begin to learn in Romans 6-8 about walking in the Spirit instead of after the flesh so that we can allow Christ to live in and through us as believers. In Jesus's name we pray, amen. 

In Romans chapters 6-8 we are going to be learning about how God's amazing grace actually frees us, as believers, to serve the living God. We will learn about how, as believers we still have the sin nature in our flesh but that we are to reckon it to be dead and to instead walk in the Spirit. God's Spirit lives inside of every believer. We also have the mind of Christ as we read, study and believe God's word rightly divided. The sin nature is still in our flesh but it is like a chicken with its head cut off, dead but still temporarily running around. This is only temporary until the rapture when the Lord Jesus Christ gives us new glorified bodies. So, the flesh wars against our spirit while we are here on earth, but we have God's Spirit in us and his word to help us. We just have to choose to walk in the Spirit instead of after the flesh. Before our salvation we had no power at all in us, and the sin nature ruled over us. We had the conscience, but people do not even obey the law of their own conscience. The conscience was given to us to show us our sin nature. Christ Jesus died for the ungodly and we were ALL ungodly sinners before our salvation. The good news is that after our salvation, we are no longer identified with the sin nature but are now identified with Christ Himself! Praise the Lord!

I am eternally thankful for all that God has done for me and that I (and all believers) have an opportunity now to serve God. Aren't you thankful for that as well?

Romans 6:1-2

1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?

2God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Romans 6:7-8

7For he that is dead is freed from sin.

8Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

Homework: Before we begin studying through Romans chapter six, read through it yourself and if there are any words in this chapter that you don't understand, look up the definition in the 1828 websters dictionary which can be found online for free. For example, what does the word "iniquity" in verse 19 mean? 

