Get Established in Sound Grace Doctrine | How to Study the Bible

How to Study the Bible #3: Get Established in Sound Grace Doctrine

After you are saved and have decided to exalt God's word above all else, it's important to get established in foundational grace doctrine which is specifically for us today, the church the Body of Christ in the dispensation of grace. The book of Romans establishes the believer. The word established means to be "set; fixed firmly; founded; confirmed." As believers God wants us to be firmly rooted in grace doctrine. The doctrines in Romans that we are to fully know and understand includes:

• Justification
• Eternal Security
• Identification
• Dispensational changes (why God temporarily set aside Israel)
• Service as a Believer
• Authority in the dispensation of grace
• Dealing with weaker brethren by grace
• Glorifying God
• Working in unison with fellow believers

After we are saved, God wants us to know Him, serve Him as sons, and gain rewards in heaven. We are also to study the scriptures rightly divided, which means understanding what scriptures are written specifically to us today (Romans- Philemon) and which scriptures were written to Israel. We read and study the whole Bible, but it's only in the Pauline epistles that are written specifically to us today and the rest of scripture is for our learning.

2 Tim 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Romans 15:4
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

To begin, start by reading the book of Romans several times with a King James Bible. Then, begin to really study out the book of Romans verse by verse. Reading and studying are different. Reading is to help you get familiar with the word and studying helps you to more closely understand it. I have a series of videos/blogs/podcasts specifically for studying Romans if you would like to learn more, they are available on my blog and YouTube channel. I also recommend doing a simple 15 minutes a day reading the Bible in a Year program. This will help you to get familiar with the whole word of God. 

For the Romans Bible Study blog posts CLICK HERE 

