Reading the Bible to Our Children | Biblical Womanhood and Homemaking Bible Study

Proverbs 22:6 KJV

Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

One of the most important things that you can do as a mother is to read the Bible to your children. You can share Bible verses with children of all ages. For very young children, you can find children's Bible story books to help introduce them to the Bible. Then, as they get older you can get them a children's KJV Bible. 

They also have children's Bible Journaling books and children's coloring books with Bible themes and Bible verses. 

For pre-teens and teenagers they have study Bibles, however these do not always teach doctrine correctly so you might want to look through them first. 

The Berean Bible Society has great material for children's Bible study for those who homeschool and for Sunday school. And the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) has some great family friendly books that teach children about science from a creationist perspective (they also use a King James Bible).

When my daughter was little she loved watching VeggieTales (a Christian cartoon) everyday and then she loved it when we began to read a storybook Bible together every evening before she went to bed. When I started homeschooling her as she was older and when she could read well, I would have her read the Bible on her own for a little while, and we would also do a little Bible study together every day. The homeschool curriculum we used was also a Christian one that often referred to Bible verses and taught good morals. There are many ways to incorporate Bible study into your child's life.

What if my child has no interest in God, the gospel or the Bible?

If, as they get older, they walk away from the faith, you at least did your best to teach them God's word. This happens sometimes as they are teenagers and young adults. What you've taught them is still somewhere inside of them and they might eventually turn back to it. I was saved as a little girl but I walked away from it for many years, but when I got older I came back to my faith and whatever little bit of doctrine I had understood as a little girl was still in me!

Our children are their own people and they have to make the decision for themselves in whether or not to believe the gospel and then whether or not to live godly if they are believers. 

We are really up against so much in this modern world. Even Christian homeschool children can be exposed to evil things because evil is so prevalent in our culture. It's also difficult for us if we have a spouse who is an unbeliever or a carnally-minded believer that has no interest in spiritual things and doesn't support your endeavors to teach your children Gods word. Other things that get our children away from the word are people who are negative influences like unbelieving friends, inlaws or extended family members, a bad experience with a church or pastor (like if you were previously involved with a legalistic church that was cult-like or abusive, or even if you were in a very worldly and liberal church as they don't make the Bible the final authority), and just society in general. Just keep praying that they will return to the word of God and allow Christ to live in and through you so that they will see God's love in you. I also would recommend not caving into or suddenly agreeing with modern, ungodly agendas just to get your child back into the word because it really doesn't work anyway, and it will grieve the Holy Spirit too. The modern church has caved into many ungodly agendas and yet there are just more and more young people walking away. You certainly don't want to be argumentative over certain issues, or overly focused on them, but just let your teenage or adult children know in a polite way where you stand based on God's word and not just based on your own personal opinion. 

Ephesians 6:14 says - "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;" And John 17:17 says, - "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

