Marriage is Important to God | Biblical Womanhood and Homemaking Bible Study


I'm beginning a new series of weekly devotional studies, for awhile, specifically for women regarding biblical womanhood and biblical homemaking. It's meant to be edifying, encouraging and hopefully helpful for you. At a future time I might do an even more indepth study on these topics, but for now I'll try to keep them short and simple for these weekly devotionals. 

To begin with, let's talk about marriage. Marriage is important to God. In fact, God instituted marriage. Let's look at some verses. 

Genesis 2:18 in the KJB says,

"18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

Genesis 2:23-24 "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Adam needed a help-meet for various reasons. 

1) So that when he would eventually sin (Adam had free will, but God also has foreknowledge), there would be a possibility through the woman for a redeemer to be born. Without a redeemer, Adam would perish forever. 

The Lord Jesus Christ was born of a virgin woman. The sin nature is passed down through the blood of the Father (to men and to women) and the Lord Jesus Christ was born of a virgin woman with God as His Father. Therefore Jesus had an earthly body but did not inherit the sin nature. He was tempted like we are but never sinned. He then would later on die for our sins on the cross, and he was buried and he rose again for our justification. 

2) To be united as one flesh, as a symbol of when a sinner believes the gospel and is reconciled to God after they have believed the gospel (Ephesians 5 talks about this).

3) to keep each other's sin nature's "in check," so to speak, so that they are not merely living only for themselves and so that society doesn't get too out of control. 

4) to keep Adam company and to be helpful to him in his endeavors and in his dominion over the earth (Of course, Adam would loose his dominion over the earth to Satan after the fall).

5) Marriage was designed also for procreation (Genesis 1:28a-d “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,").

A properly functioning Christian marriage is designed in a specific way by God to help each believer to grow and mature spiritually (learning to love one another, forgive one another, give each other grace, etc), to live godly and to raise children with an understanding of the word of God so that they too will hopefully choose to believe the gospel and live godly.

In modern times, the family is under attack by Satan's deceptions. I don't really have to go into great detail about this, as any Bible believing Christian can clearly see that the adversary is trying to destroy God's institutions of marriage and family. 

As believers, for those of us who choose to get married, we need to remember that God cares deeply about marriage and it is part of his design for us.

How to apply this: 

• If you are married, or are considering getting married one day, read and study out scriptures specifically about marriage regularly. Let Christ and His word work in and through you in your marriage. 

Journaling Prompt: 

• Thank the Lord for your marriage. Create a gratitude list based on all of the good things you are thankful for in your marriage, and specifically all of the wonderful things about your own husband. 

