Romans 1: 18-21 | Womens RD Bible Study

In this study we are discussing verses 18-21 of Romans chapter 1.

Lord God, thank you for this time we can spend together studying your word. In Jesus name Amen.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

This verse says that God's wrath is revealed from heaven. In scripture (which is God's awesome heavenly wisdom revealed to us) we are clearly shown that God is displeased with sin. However, we are also shown that He loves us, even when we are sinners and wants us saved. The only way that we can be made totally spiritually pure and spend eternity with Him is to believe that Christ Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification. This makes God our Saviour and not ourselves. It is not even possible for us to save ourselves spiritually. People might be able to make some changes in their own earthly lives on their own even without believing God, but they cannot change the core issue on their own which is that they have a sin nature and this keeps them separate from God and eternal life. Unbelievers have NO power over sin. They might at times make better decisions than at other times, but they still have a sin nature that controls them. In fact the Bible says that whatsoever is not of faith is sin (Ro 14:23). This literally means that even if an unbeliever does something that we consider to be good, since it's not done in faith (believing God and His word) it is still a sin! This is why unsaved man's "good works" are still seen as but "filthy rags" in God's sight! (Isaiah 64:6; Ro 3:19-23).

When people hold the truth in unrighteousness, it's because they believe that they can do something to earn their salvation (through religion, humanism, philosophies, etc). Men are sinners by nature, and this is something we cannot change by ourselves. We cannot go from "being in Adam," (sin nature) to "being in Christ" (a righteous, holy nature) by our own man-made efforts. But, because of the finished work of the cross, all that's required of us to be completely transformed into a pure, holy creature in Christ is to simply believe the gospel. Then, the moment we believe, God completely transforms our inner man and nothing can ever reverse this completed work of God! It's an incredible thing. Even if we fall back into various sins or even if we stopped believing, we can still never loose our salvation. Most of Christendom doesn't recognize or teach saved by grace through faith alone or eternal security  because they "hold the truth in unrighteousness".

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

God has revealed himself to all people. We each have an inner knowing that God exists. In fact, we know that God is completely righteous, good and holy and the moment that we start to recognize our own sin nature, then we also realize that we are deserving of God's wrath. There won't be one person who will face God and say, "But I didn't know!" The issue is man needs to BELIEVE God, that is to believe the gospel of the grace of God today, in order to be saved. It's not enough to just believe in God, you need to also believe Him.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

It is quite obvious just observing the creation around us that we didn't create all of this ourselves. Someone far more powerful than us, and far more intelligent created all things. We are creatures too that God created, so we are part of His creation. We are not "one" with creation, but we are part of it. Each creature has its own distinctiveness and uniqueness. People specifically are different from the rest of creation in that Adam was originally created in the image and likeness of God. We have a spirit, soul and a body. It's also important to know and understand that all of Adam's descendants are created in Adam's image, meaning that we inherited the sin nature.

And so, because we have the witness of creation, an inner witness that tells us that God exists and we also have the whole Bible today and believers who share the gospel and preach God's word, mankind is really without excuse. They can be saved and come to know God more intimately, and spend eternity with Him in total peace, if they will simply choose to believe the gospel.

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Mankind instead, for the most part, doesn't really want anything to do with God or they would rather make up a God of their own imaginings and worship that God (which is really worshipping themselves, since their made-up version of God doesn't exist). Because they reject God and are not thankful to him, their hearts go from being just foolish to now being very dark. And this is when humanity takes a major turn for the worst.

Life in Christ = Peace, Love, Joy
Life in Adam = Fear, Condemnation, Death

Mankind not being thankful is the first time that God gives man up. They are not thankful to God for their very own existence, or for the creation around them, or for their own family and friends, for food to eat and sunshine, fresh air, clean water and everything we need to live; or for who God is - they are definitely not thankful that God is a good, Holy, loving and gracious God!

Father God, thank you so much that in Christ Jesus we have eternal life! I pray for all people in this world, that they might be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth. In Jesus's name, amen. 

