Romans 1:16-17 | Womens Bible Study

In Romans 1 Verses 13-17 is the Gospel. Recently we discussed verses 14-15 and today we will be discussing verses 16-17.

Father God thank you so much for your precious, holy word. In Jesus name Amen. 

These verses very clearly show us that we are saved by grace through faith alone without works!

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

First of all as believers we are not ashamed of the good news of Christ because the gospel itself really worked to save us! Jesus did EVERYTHING necessary and required to redeem us, but we are not forgiven of our sins and redeemed until we consciously choose to believe the gospel. This of course first requires that we recognize that we are sinners and cannot save ourselves. Most of humanity does not recognize this! Many never will, and it's really pride that keeps people separate from salvation; Life in Christ. The gospel is the POWER of God unto salvation to everyone that BELIEVES. The moment that we simply BELIEVE that Christ Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification, then we are saved. This salvation is a free Gift from God to both Jews and Gentiles - to anyone that believes.

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

God's righteousness is actually revealed in the gospel. God is so good, holy, gracious and just that He sent His very own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be a propitiation for our sins. And it's Christ's death, burial and resurrection that makes it possible for anyone to be saved in any dispensation  as long as they believe the gospel given unto them at that time. For example, Abraham had believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. Was he saved by believing in Christ's death, burial and resurrection? No, it hadn't happened yet! Rather, he had simply believed what God had told him at that time, that He'd be the Father of many nations. However, it was still Christ's future atonement for our sins that made it possible for Abraham to be saved. Amazing! The same can be said for Adam, Noah, Moses, the kingdom believers etc. They were to believe whatever gospel was given unto them at that time, but it's still the finished work of the cross that makes salvation possible.

From faith to faith is often understood as Jesus's faithfulness to go to the cross, and our faith in what He did for us. We also live by the faith OF Christ. Christ not only died for our sins, and was buried, but he was also raised for our justification. This means that we have new life in Christ and we are a whole new creation!

Father God, thank you so much that through the finished work of the cross, the very MOMENT we believe the gospel, we are given eternal life in Christ. What an amazing, incredible gift! In Jesus name Amen. 

