Romans 1:14-15 | Womens RD Bible Study

In Romans 1 Verses 13-17 is the Gospel. Today we will be discussing verses 14 and 15.

Thank you Father God for this glorious gospel of the grace of God, how that Christ Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification and that when we simply BELIEVE this gospel we are given eternal life!

14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.

Paul was sent out to preach the Gospel of the grace of God to the Gentile Nations. This includes both the educated (Greeks) and the uneducated (Barbarians), the wise and the unwise. As ambassadors for Christ we are NOT to discriminate between groups of people, but to share the gospel of the grace of God with anyone and everyone who is willing to hear it. Sadly there have been many instances where Christendom did not freely share the gospel with all people, but would share it only with those they deemed "worthy" of becoming members of their particular church congregations (usually people with money!). This didn't just happen in the past but sometimes happens in modern times!

15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.

Sometimes people imagine that they have the power in themselves to preach the Gospel, but really what Paul is saying is that it is the life of Christ in Him that enables him to preach the Gospel to an ungodly world. I get this based upon the entirety of what the book of Romans is teaching us about the grace life. As you become established in sound grace doctrine you too will be even more ready to preach the Gospel of the grace of God to others.

We cannot do grace living on our own, from our flesh. You will burn out and it won't bring glory to God. 1 Cor 1:29 says, "That no flesh should glory in his presence." As believers now we can make the choices to:

• Read and Study God's word rightly divided daily
• Believe and obey what we learn from God's word rightly divided which is yielding ourselves to serve God by Christ living in and through us as believers
• Share the gospel of the grace of God with others without prejudice
• Teach fellow believers foundational doctrines so that they can be established in sound grace doctrine
• Teach and edify fellow believers about more advanced doctrine as we learn and understand it ourselves
• Encourage and be helpful to fellow believers
• As much as we are able to, live peaceably with all men, believers and unbelievers
• Be thankful to God
• Be helpful to fellow believers and give each other grace

The gospel is the GOOD NEWS of God that through simple faith in Christ's death, burial and resurrection we can be saved by Gods amazing grace. It is a FREE GIFT of God. This news ought to be shared with everyone we know!

Father God thank you that as ambassadors for Christ we can now share your good news with others! In Jesus name, Amen!
