Apostle Paul's Prayer

It's also important to discuss Paul's sincere love for the Saints. 

This love comes from Christ Jesus living in and through him. The grace of God teaches us how to love others, and enables us to feel love for others more especially fellow believers and to act loving towards one another through acts of kindness, forgiveness, charity, grace, etc. 

Romans 1: 8-9 says, "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;"

Paul prayed often for the Believers. In Verse 10 he goes on to say, "Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you."

He would consider it to be prosperous if they are able to be edified more in sound grace doctrine. One of the most important prayers we can pray is for fellow brethren to be established and edified. Why? Because it enables us to really live out the grace life, having Christ living His life in and through us, and this moves us to share the gospel more with unbelievers, and to help edify other fellow believers as well. When we are swayed with every wind of doctrine, we essentially get off track and we don't grow spiritually nor are we helpful to fellow believers. 

God today is forming the church the Body of Christ to live in the Heavenly places. We are awaiting the rapture so that we can take over the governmental positions in the Heavenly places which satan and his devils will eventually loose (this is written about in the book of the revelation). This is explained more in further chapters and in other Epistles by Paul. Paul's love for the Saints includes wanting each of us to be properly edified and living out the grace life as well as our gaining Heavenly rewards. Our rewards are regarding the positions in heaven each one of us will take. We are being prepared for our Heavenly careers. We prepare through Bible study, prayer, worship and service. There are many believers today who are not even established in very basic doctrines such as understanding justification and eternal security! This is why a proper study through Romans first is absolutely essential. 

I pray as Paul prayed that you too will be established in the foundational doctrines of grace and that you will then share this understanding with other believers. 

**Homework: Read Romans chapter 1 and also Acts 9:1-31 KJB and Acts 28: 17-31 KJB 


• Is there a midacts, pauline, rightly divided, KJB grace church or Bible study group you could join in your area? 

• Is there a fellow female grace believer that you could study the Bible with on occasion (once a week or once a month) either in-person or over the phone or at the very least to share texts and messaging with to discuss scripture?

• Another recommendation is to subscribe to more grace preachers YouTube channels or podcasts - look for "midacts, pauline, rightly divided, KJB grace teachings". You can also find study groups on Facebook as well if you use social media. 



