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Showing posts from August, 2023

Learn to Rightly Divide the Scriptures | Bible Study Basics

In a previous study I mentioned the importance of being established in sound grace doctrine in the book of Romans, and that we are to rightly divide the scriptures. Rightly Divided Bible Study is essential to understanding the scriptures. I will be doing a more thorough study series regarding Rightly Divided Bible Study but let's briefly look at some verses: 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV Study [we are to study God's word, not just read it occasionally, but to really study it out verse by verse] to shew thyself approved unto God [being approved unto God means that we are functioning in the way that God wants believers to function, and that can only be accomplished by getting sound grace doctrine in our inner man, believing it and obeying it; we also want to earn rewards for the heavenly places], a workman that needeth not to be ashamed [many believers will be ashamed at the judgment seat of Christ in heaven because they did not rightly divide and some even refused to rightly divide and the