Daily Routines | Biblical Womanhood and Homemaking

Proverbs 31:15

15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

These are just some helpful suggestions, not rules that you have to follow, but are some things that have worked for me. If you are unable to be a full-time homemaker, you can adjust your schedule in a way that works for your family.

Along with keeping a daily and weekly cleaning and tasks schedule, you can organize your life with other daily routines. For example, a morning routine could include one or more of the following:

• Wake up and get dressed, do your personal Bible study, exercise and stretching, get your children up and fed with breakfast, do a morning Bible study or devotional together, and start to homeschool or send your children off to school if they go to a public or private school.

• An afternoon routine could include your daily and weekly chores, lunch and snacks, homeschool lessons or online ministry, running errands, taking a short nap or any after-school activities.

• Evenings could include making dinner, cleaning up after dinner, evening family bible study or reading a devotional, going for an evening walk, watching the sunset, reading a book or watching a tv show with your family, a relaxing bath, quiet time with your husband and/or perhaps more personal Bible study time.

Children can also of course help out with chores like setting the table, cleaning up after dinner, dusting, vacuuming, picking up the living room, putting toys and games away, etc depending upon their age.

Some days might have more things to do while other days are more relaxed.

These are just some ideas that perhaps you might find helpful as a homemaker. You can of course schedule whatever is appropriate for you and your family. 

